Welcome to our new feature – Splash Page. Each week we’ll take a piece of art we like, and tell you a little bit about the artist who created it.
There’s lots of stuff coming up for Hellboy’s 20th anniversary this year, including Hellboy: The Midnight Circus from creator Mike Mignola, Duncan Fegredo and Dave Stewart in August. Today artist Francesco Francavilla posted his creation of a world in which Hellboy “somehow” meets his Black Beetle creation. Let’s hope that Francavilla gets his wish about a deservedly long run on Black Beetle.
To conclude this celebration of 20 years of Hellboy, I decided to draw the Big Red today wearing the Black Beetle (logo) shirt. A way to have the two crossing over in some way but also the wish for my Black Beetle to have such a long publishing life like Hellboy.
A (creator) man can hopeCheers,
Francavilla has also recently been seen in the pages of Marvel’s Hawkeye, and will be the artist on the upcoming Afterlife with Archie. His retro style is best known for Black Beetle, but also his own takes on Batman ’72 and a recent issue of Batwoman. A portfolio of his work can be found over at his tumblr account, and it’s a place you could get lost in for hours. Support the artist by visiting francescofrancavilla.com.